8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Traditional - The Worship Center
9:45 & 11:00 a.m. Contemporary - The 3:16 Center
6:00 p.m. Evening Service - The Worship Center
AM Message // 8:30 Traditional
The Fight
Revelation 12:7-12
By Paul Dunbar, Kids Pastor
AM Message // 9:45 Contemporary & 11:00 Traditional
A Battle for the Ages
Revelation 12:1-12
By Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor
AM Message // 11:00 Contemporary
By Will Spivey, College Pastor
***This will be the LAST 11:00 Contemporary Service until Fall!
PM Message
Leading Indicators for the 2nd Coming
Revelation 9:13-16; 12:13-16; 13:16-18
By Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor
Daily Bible Reading Plan
April 26 - Revelation 16
April 27 - Revelation 17
April 28 - Revelation 18
April 29 - Revelation 19
April 30 - Revelation 20
May 01 - Revelation 21
May 02 - Revelation 22
Staff Spotlight
What's Happening
Worship Service Update
The LAST 11:00 Multi-Generational/Contemporary Service will be THIS Sunday!
We will resume in the fall!
Sunday School
New Sunday School Class for Newly Marrieds!
Scott and Leann Sullivan have just started a new Sunday School class for Newly Marrieds 20’s - 30’s. The class meets in room 205 at 9:45 a.m. Come join us as we grow in love and service for our Savior and one another.
Kids Ministry
Vacation Bible School 2021
The theme is PRESS PLAY - Get in the Mix!
4 yrs old - completed 5th grade.
Sunday, June 6: 6:00 p.m. Kick off Service and shirt pick up.
VBS Times: Monday - Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Wednesday Family Service: 6:00 p.m.
Kids Camp
Kids Camp is officially open for registration!
Camp 412 (1st and 2nd graders)
Camp 345 (3rd - 5th graders)
You can sign up at www.fbcokids.com or from our kids app which can be found on the apple store or google play store.
Preschool Ministry
Parent Commissioning Ceremony Our next Parent Commissioning Ceremony will be on Sunday, October 3, 2021 at all 3 morning services. A required information/training class will be held on August 29,2021. Please email Casey Stewart at caseys@fbcopelika.com by August 15, 2021 if you would like to participate or would like more information.
FBCO Special Needs Ministry – Adult Volunteer Buddies Needed
FBCO has a ministry for families with children having special needs (preschool – 6th grade). The purpose is to give these parents and their children the opportunity to attend church like all other families. The majority of our volunteers are college students. They are very faithful, but most go home during Christmas, spring break and for the summer.
Our challenge is to develop a group of adults or local students we can call on when the college volunteers are not available. The primary focus is the 9:45 SS hour, however we would also like to help SN parents wanting to attend an 11:00 class or service. A buddy’s role is to stay with the child in the classroom to offer companionship and guidance.
Would you consider giving a Sunday or two each month to help these families when our college students are not available?
Contact: Frank Dukes 334-695-4858 (cell); frankcdukes@yahoo.com
Music Ministry
Fine Arts Academy
Join us for our Spring Semester Fine Arts Recitals on Sunday, May 2, at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. in the choir room. We will have piano, vocal, strings, guitar, brass and woodwind students playing in these recitals.
Encore Ministry (Senior Adults 55+)
Donuts & Devo
First Wednesday of the month
Beginning May 5th at 10:00 a.m.
Family and friends of Robert Adkins, in his death, Opelika, AL (Wife: Vickie Adkins)
April 18, 2021
Offerings Received Week 16 - $107,927
Weekly Approved Budget - $122,000
Total Approved Budget - $6,344,004
Budget Receipts YTD - $1,853,534
Balance of Budget Goal - $4,490,470