8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service - The Worship Center
9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service - The 3:16 Center
6:00 p.m. Evening Service - The Worship Center
8:30 / 11:00 Traditional & 9:45 Contemporary Message
The Prologue
Acts 17:16-34
Message By Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor
11:00 AM Contemporary Message
Engaging the Gospel with a Curious and Skeptical World
Acts 17:16-34
By Will Spivey, College Pastor
PM Message
The Power of Your Testimony
Message By Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Monday, August 23, 2021 - Hebrews 5
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 - Hebrews 6
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - Hebrews 7-8
Thursday, August 26, 2021 - Hebrews 9
Friday, August 27, 2021 - Hebrews 10-11
Saturday, August 28, 2021 - Review Day
Sunday, August 22, 2021 - Review Day
Bible Reading Plan:
May - December 2021
You may always find the bible reading plans under the tab "Resources > Other Resources" or at fbcopelika.com/media.

What's Happening
Fall Bible Studies
TouchPoint Online Photo Directory Appointments
FBCO Members, If you would like to make an appointment for your individual and/or family photo please email Meagan at meaganm@fbcopelika.com or call the church office during office hours.
Kids Ministry
Kids Choir
(3 year olds - 6th grade)
Kids Choir Begins Sunday Night, August 22nd at 6:00 p.m in the Kid's Building!
1st Grade Bible Presentation - September 19, 2021
Do you have a 1st Grader?
We want to encourage you to sign up your current 1st grader to be a part of this major mile stone. Click here to sign up!
Father/Son Retreat
Friday, October 15, 2021
A weekend to engage Father's and Son's into growing in their relationship with God and each other. The goal is create spiritual champions for the Gospel of Christ. This weekend will feature wonderful speakers, great worship, and intentional time of fellowship.
Fine Arts Academy
It’s time to register for fall semester in the Fine Arts Academy. You can pick up a brochure around the church, church office, Welcome Center or go to fbcopelika.com/fine-arts-academy to register.
My Jerusalem: September 18, 2021
Don’t miss out on an opportunity to improve our community and meet new friends along the way! For more information and to sign up go to: theway2serve.org.
Special Needs Ministry – Adult Volunteer Buddies Needed
FBCO has a ministry for families with children having special needs (preschool – 6th grade). The purpose is to give these parents and their children the opportunity to attend church like all other families. The majority of our volunteers are college students. They are very faithful, but most go home during Christmas, spring break and for the summer.
Our challenge is to develop a group of adults or local students we can call on when the college volunteers are not available. The primary focus is the 9:45 SS hour, however we would also like to help SN parents wanting to attend an 11:00 class or service. A buddy’s role is to stay with the child in the classroom to offer companionship and guidance.
Would you consider giving a Sunday or two each month to help these families when our college students are not available?
Contact: Frank Dukes 334-695-4858 (cell); frankcdukes@yahoo.com
Joy Class Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to drive buses or assist during Sunday School.
Want to get involved? Contact Barry Williams at 334-329-9325.
August 15, 2021
Offerings Received Week 33 - $122,909
Weekly Approved Budget - $122,000
Total Approved Budget - $6,344,004
Budget Receipts YTD - $4,043,564
Balance of Budget Goal - $2,300,440